Jick Doke

"You're a loose canon who doesn't play by the rules!"

i actively avoid movies with him in it & only got into Treme given the other people involved. that said, my rancor has softened a bit, but only while the show is on.

i actively avoid movies with him in it & only got into Treme given the other people involved. that said, my rancor has softened a bit, but only while the show is on.



i'd much rather hear the sound of LMFAO going away, and not ever returning. but i refuse to pick up whatever neon animal print clothes full of STIs & glitter left in their wake.

i'd much rather hear the sound of LMFAO going away, and not ever returning. but i refuse to pick up whatever neon animal print clothes full of STIs & glitter left in their wake.

i've said that too many times on this show.

i've said that too many times on this show.

he's obviously part of the pink wing homosecksual agenda.

he's obviously part of the pink wing homosecksual agenda.

A Real Vampire Ann Richards would run this muthafucka. That vampire lady had an accent.

A Real Vampire Ann Richards would run this muthafucka. That vampire lady had an accent.

this goth conversion is less ridiculous than the one that kid on 'Home Improvement' had. the fact i once watched 'Home Improvement' is probs saddest of all.

this goth conversion is less ridiculous than the one that kid on 'Home Improvement' had. the fact i once watched 'Home Improvement' is probs saddest of all.

i felt bad when Cam sobbed out of the lobby, but really got the sads when Mitchell started for the desert. their frustration/exhaustion was palpable. maybs it's the rum&coke(s), but i empathized.

i felt bad when Cam sobbed out of the lobby, but really got the sads when Mitchell started for the desert. their frustration/exhaustion was palpable. maybs it's the rum&coke(s), but i empathized.

the sweater says "tennis doubles", the eyes shout "and i am telling you i am not going" away.

the sweater says "tennis doubles", the eyes shout "and i am telling you i am not going" away.

i hadn't realized how much Savage & Samberg look alike.