Jick Doke

fuck yeah, cultural edification! (no snark)

i think Kenley's bitten her tongue more than i would've this season. there's a cat joke somewhere there.

i reflexively said "Interesting?" (this is where Phil Hartman's SNL character would say "Sassy!" to the camera)

i was hoping that the model would tear off her face/mask & reveal a fire-breathing skull! …but given Michael, it'd probs be some whack-ass Derp :/

as flatline casual as Pharrell was 'rockin' ' it, at least they didn't get GQ/Esquire/Whateverthefuqmagazine's "Best Dressed" Tom Brady.

one of my audible LaughOutLouds was when Austin was questioning the taste of another designer While wearing a vomited-up silk bib/ascot/goiter thing.

maybs DMX just has a thing against mediocrity. for that he deserves a get-out-of-jail card that will be redeemed before i finish typing out this sentence.

Tellulah? but i hardly know … ah?

having anything to do with Glee doesn't necessarily mean he or anyone involved is gay. it just means they have no taste.

"that old coked up Pat O'Brien chestnut"

if only Timm could go full-BradByrd & direct a live-action movie.


i thought he had to be in the middle of a role too, but then remembered he always has that fetal alcohol syndrome look.

i appreciated the Klimt influence on Mondo's dress.

"a little alienating to some viewers"? FUCK 'EM.

well, we are about due for a Nu Shooz "I Can't Wait" cover.