
hey now, that one's got that tribal initiation stuff, where they gut themselves like fish. Even if the on-the-court stuff is lame, the belly-stabbing is unforgettable.

Versace Pockets come in three exciting flavors. Monterey Chicken.. Champagne.. and my personal favorite, Cheesy Chili Cheeseburger.

Corey Haim? The ACTOR? Ha! Then who's George McFly, Jeffrey Weissman? I suppose Phoebe Cates is the Lorraine?


I feel like a terrible person. I only go to the theater to see Star Wars and Marvel movies, basically.

I vote for Sleepy Hollow. Long periods of silence broken only by Burton dropping gems like "We froze out asses off shooting this scene"

save it for your parole officer

an alternative to "good"

"The Phantom Menace was a great…failure…"

starting in '99

I think he'll need pills for that.

ha nice call on the waterphone, I had to look it up

*fast-cutting action shots, faster and faster, BOOM title screen, slam cut to black…fade up to a cute line of dialogue, END*

Age of Ultron with that Pinocchio song? That's the first time I noticed it.

the culture of silence, for one

Speed Racer, of all things, stood out to me as one of his good ones

especially on sunday sunday sunday

those XTREME ads everywhere made my skin crawl; it was like looking at ads for a garish slot machine

You millenials just need a weaker work ethic, that's all.

I don't like the sound of them apples, Clark. What are we gonna do?!