
The AV Club

Attack of the Clones was once in the top 100

Liked it before it was cool, did ya?

I'm, like, oddly proud that this movie turned out way better than its marketing implied. It's just nice to be surprised once in a while.

9/11 was an inside SKA-B!

Seriously. She's gotta be like a runaway or something, right?

Original or rap mix?

I've always loved the label 'inspired by'. Like whatever rock band was popular that year watched some summer blockbuster and were so moved they just HAD to express their feelings via song.

The AV Club

No questions about his brother Ron? Must be bad blood or something.

Diceros bicornis

Was that before or after Cornell had a Revelation that he'd rather exhume the Soundgarden mummy?

And, like, latter day Zeppelin at that

*out-of-place cowbell*

Me too, but I think it's cause your avatar changed AGAIN aaaahhhhggg

See kids, THIS is how you bitch about the gas prices in context to the war in the Middle East!


Also it's kind of a letdown that all the emotions in each character are represented by the same little avatars. Anger is always the little red cube guy, etc.

Wow, Chex Quest as the header image. Even for this place, that's a super esoteric reference pull.