
It's strange; the first fight he hits the mask straight-on, and it doesn't really do anything.

I have no tongue and I must release footage of my next blockbuster film to my audiences

We call that "Speed Racer Syndrome"

Dude, try to be more sensitive. That was obviously an ape.

Maybe they'll finally have the courage to film the episode where Robert eats Raymond.

Where is this mysterious, unnamed hero you refer to?

That might've been my favorite moment

No sarcasm, this gets funnier every time someone uses it in these reviews.

They've said before that they aren't conscious of episodes becoming multi-parters until they're wrapping up production on the first episode.

The characters on the left and right have really great designs. They took the main attributes of the characters and pushed those features well (the boomerang bird has a boomerang posture, the bomb bird has the little 'fuse' on his head) There's something about that center guy, though…

Kind of agreed, but I'll never forget the episode that had the running gag of the crummy improv team popping up again and again.

That's the catchiest song on the album, as far as I'm concerned. I wonder why that wasn't a big radio song.


Hey X-Men Origins: Magneto should be coming along any day now!

Kudos for the funniest thing I've read on here in a long while

I'm a 25-year-old power-shitter.

I like that first design a lot, but it kinda feels like the only reason they put that NOT SPANDEX drawing off to the side was to brag about how non-sexist they are.

It ain't easel bein Cheedle

It's like the definitive 3-out-of-5-star movie.