
Just your everyday, run-of-the-mill, simple abortion.

I know what you mean. I'd say that's Arkham City's main offense. There's so much detail on every object and character…they just cancel each other out.

Can we dig into that a little?

Whoa, me too.

I powered up my camcorder, which I had ingeniously affixed to my rotating fan.

GOOD writers aren't afraid to push the art form and make up words like 'half-assedly'.

What'cho MEAN is he fuckin dead?

I'm with you, man. It's obviously a goof but there's something about it that feels too grimy and sinister.

Like a fuckin newborn fuckin baby, man.

"D'You Know What I Mean?" has a great funky guitar riff. And it's a great way to open that album.

Don't Look Back in Anger.

I gave up hating it after San Andreas forced it down my throat.

Competent. That kills me every time.

@avclub-19062770653aac69ecab308b0c1ed17c:disqus Christ, thanks for the memory defibrillator.

If I met a girl that could elaborate on Aqua's deep cuts, I'd take her out. If not just for the curiosity factor.

He's drinking too much and not getting regular exercise at the gym.

That song has slowly been burrowing itself into my favorites list. Every year it gets closer to the top ten.

From the little I gather, I can tell it ain't a two-way street. Maron groupie seems like the perfect label.

Cage is like Bonham in that they both reach the upper echelons of the Awesome Mustache Leaderboard.

and before you even knew what you had you patented it,  a-and advertised it, and slapped it in every XD digital projection screen in the country, and now you're selling
it *slams table*. You want to sell it!