
Or just reversing footage of rolling fake rocks a la Labyrinth.

More like The Great.

I agree that the ESPN ilk aren't as concerned with witty snark or clever insight, but man, what an unnecessarily arrogant thing to say about those commenters.

"Most Popular Negative Review" is usually a godsend. That really comes in handy when I'm deciding whether or not to buy something.

Satire is a mirror and they can't bear to look at their own reflections.

How else is he gonna learn about the 5 most mind-blowing secret Nazi weapons from WWII?

I liked the 3 keyboard cat moon shirt, cause it felt like the internet had finally turned inside out on itself.

I WISH for the ability to wish for more wishes.

I do sometimes think about that pre-internet era, where you might have ZERO knowledge of a film until its trailer surprised you in the theater. Or you heard a rumor from a friend of a friend.

I love that it was like the closet proximity he could find to the Drive scorpion jacket. It's like what someone would use for a Halloween costume.

Kattan certainly had his fingers crossed.

Their only weakness is a sly dog who catches them monologuing.

In my head he's a protagonist from some videogame who somehow crossed between worlds (Space Jam-style, baby) and wandered into Hollywood.

Hot Tub Time Machine - Clever Premise is Lazily Squandered.

The screenwriter had a heart attack while flying and crashed his plane. His agent lives on, stuck in the wilderness and blind from a skunk spray to the eyes.

I'm having flashbacks to 4th grade when we all read Hatchet and bragged about the REAL ways to survive in the wilderness.

That scene in The Edge (which I keep getting hardcore flashbacks to when I see these trailers) where the real freaking bear attacks their buddy has stuck with me for like 15 years.

YEAH, Champagne!

Netflix Instant was designed for movies like it.