
Objection: That was a reboot people WERE asking for.

He's the damn President, he could wear rotten moose nuts on his head if he so pleased.


It definitely won't bomb horribly, and its already made more than its budget.

That kinda stuff drove me absolutely mad when I was a kid. I had trouble watching the X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons for the same reason.

Yeah, they need to dial down the hate on that summary. The movie's well worth your time; it really surprised me in the theater.

That was my pick. That show is my crown jewel of random Netflix Streaming discoveries.

Agreed. I was happy to hear about Neeson, I feel like he's who I would've cast.

Imagine CNN:

Gentlemen to bed! We rise at 9:30!

Yes, quite.

All the Marvel movies have little cameos and references to a future Bad Teeth Man movie.

In my head I started hearing 'haRRRRRRRd, stRRRRRong, patRRRRRRiotic RRRRRRRR's'.

Anyone else think he was barely balancing that razor-thin edge between 'opinionated' and 'windbag' on WTF yesterday?

The Jimmy Carter joke absolutely slayed me.

Tell me it's not too short. I'm dying for this to be a long-ish game.

I wanna know who's more grizzled.

Their revised rulebook is called '6 Epic Secrets About Hitler That Would Have Turned WWII Into A Zombie Apocalypse'.

I love the whole match between Maximus, the bigger muscle man, and the tigers. There's one moment, though, that sends it into the great pantheon of scenes for me:

I honestly love that shot. It's very well-composed. It gives you a great sense of scale, and it's awe-inspiring in that 'horrible beauty' kind of way.