no no no no no no no (etc)
no no no no no no no (etc)
sad dad & joseph gribble…i love it! you should be writing this show!
this makes me happy! also "dr. henry exposition."
women are horrible & the child-rapist is the hero. great book.
"one and all?????" bleah.
some of us were.
about time this was posted. so so so sad.
it disappears from my tablet so it goes back to the library but it remains on my kindle with no fines. actually, it goes back to amazon b/c that's where my library gets it from. i can download it to different devices at the same time - i don't believe that means three copies have been checked out. as long as one…
b/c it was formulaic, uncreative & sucked?
is there a time-traveling pie involved as well?
the best part of the library hint is at the end - turn off the wifi & keep the book as long as you want! i have a tablet, a fire & a basic kindle. if i get a couple of books at the same time, i'll download them to the fire & kindle & then turn off the wifi & read them at my leisure, sometimes months later.
don't want to go thru every comment so just let me say hank scorpio. that is all. (oh & i also love melissa mccarthy & i will not apologize for that.)
so this is getting attention but terry jones gets nothing?
sorry, knee jerk reaction from an english major.
welcome to the rest of your life!
what a surprise - he went to law school.
i saw about a minute of that & he did come across as "off."
good lord, why don't they just name the general snidely whiplash?
its own reward. remember, it's is always "it is."
and what was with that horrible line about all the dead being heroes now? it was terribly worded.