you win this round, disappointed horse.
you win this round, disappointed horse.
after a horrible episode of "modern family," "b99" makes everything better. thank you, paul snead.
home shopping network could sell her stuff!
don't forget doug judy!!!
having just read that real terry had an pretty nasty internet porn addiction, i'm having trouble connecting with 99 terry. :(
tammy two!
didn't laugh during this episode once.
i for one welcome our new disqus overlords.
how are those yummy bronto ribs???
"DO NOT URINATE ON TOMORROW’S NEWSWIRE POST." you take the fun out of everything.
really? why bother? just shoot the poor show in the head & let it die.
i love the promos of chris rock in his tux & chuck's. that'll show those rich high-class oscar snobs!
exposition exposition exposition…& then one lady had enough time to make enough of a vaccine that saved the world!
of course not, i'm just saying his main motivation probably isn't money. not everyone is motivated by money.
billionaires make money b/c they like money. king writes stories b/c he likes stories. if stories bring in money at this point, i think it's a bonus. maybe he's a big charity supporter. i never saw him as much of a "doing it for the bucks" kind of guy. i could be wrong.
he does in the book.
b/c if there's one thing stephen king needs, it's more money.
i agree whole-heartedly. much as i dislike mel gibson's personal beliefs, i wish he had been in the movie. i felt hardy had absolutely no charisma. if you aren't going to use mel, why not make up a new character for the new actor to play? also, this max character couldn't have been the feral kid b/c at the end of…
i would just like to say that i have a cat named ruff so it is hard for me to read this review seriously.
this episode brought to you by the sorghum council.