they just look big b/c all she ever wears are those dresses with the tiny sweaters. honestly, does the costumer designer sell those things on the side???
they just look big b/c all she ever wears are those dresses with the tiny sweaters. honestly, does the costumer designer sell those things on the side???
amazing how many of the tropes predicted in last week's threads were already addressed in this episode! let's all get together & write a tv show!
d'oh! flanders!
& what is so annoying about twizzlers in the fridge anyway?
didn't chip tell the girls that martha had a question about "her boil?" wonderful!
it's such a defensive gesture to accuse others of talking too loudly, even if they are.
i keep forgetting that dale is played by the same actor as chip. he is such a different character.
i've said it before & i'll say it again - yay mother baskets!
"worked?" more like "slaved away."
thanks for killing my childhood, internet.
taking sacred stones from a sacred site…always a good idea! everything will work out fine!
the goat's tweets suggest the feeling was mutual.
i never read this series but it's always wonderful when books for kids don't follow the usual route.
how is the goat's performance?
can't wait to see this!
i just reread the book (actually listened to a recorded version) to prepare for this & put me down for wishing they had stuck closer to it. i think people who haven't read the book will like this version but i don't know why stuff has to be changed just for the hell of it. that being said, i did think jake being…
they don't know that!
i did not know that.
thanks for posting this - i thought he was saying, "beets, cheeses, candies…" (although i think that's a funnier line).
"…flowers for beth…" such an office thing to say.