in russia…
in russia…
i misread that as "chris carter is dope." is that what you really wanted to say?
Lost civilizations. Extraterrestrials. Myths and monsters. Missing Persons. Magic. Witchcraft. Unexplained Phenomena. In Search of… cameras are traveling the world, seeking out these great mysteries. This program was the result of the work of scientists, researchers and a group of highly skilled technicians.
is ratboy back????
mafia witch! yarnetsa! teddy! how wonderful to have the belcher's back again!
now, now. i have absolutely nothing against tiny lizards. some of my best friends are tiny lizards. it was just an observation about the musician's size.
KIMMY!!!!!!! canNOT wait for this!!!
jeborah!!!! also, wtf with the tiny bowie clip? either play the whole thing or don't play any.
the music playing the the background of this thing is INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!!!!!
& a tiny little lizard at that!
happy little trees!
i stand corrected.
it can be two things!
pigmeat markham! that takes me back…to finding an old paperback book about him when i was a kid…had no idea who he was but loved the name…never heard it since…thanks!
her husband is also quite wealthy & they're good friends with either warren buffet or jimmy buffet…or maybe an all-you-can-eat buffet, i can't remember which.
god damn incontinent clouds!
i like your name!!!!
i would read that.
maury is in connecticut. he's pretty much all about dna testing to find the baby-daddy nowadays. it's great - either it's negative which means the woman slept around so much she couldn't keep track or it's positive which means the guy is now legally on the hook. i feel sorry for the kids.
of course it's not a real trial, it's litigation. as it's been noted, the people get paid to be there & no one is forced to go on. i've heard the audience members are not paid. everyone gets their 2 minutes of fame, an annoying legal situation gets settled quickly, some people get some some money, i get to feel i'm…