the chef calls the ratatouille 'basil' because he puts quite a lot of basil in it.
the chef calls the ratatouille 'basil' because he puts quite a lot of basil in it.
bad decision.
and their verdict is….??!!!
unless you're talking about edward.
lupus!!! how can you talk about "house" without mentioning lupus at least once???? i don't think you paid attention to this show at all.
that cheer is revolting on so many levels.
"some things are just too subtle for me, i guess."
i will never be adult enough to understand david foster wallace. fortunately, i don't mind!
i liked "they came together." the generic apartments & the son who comes & goes were great. it definitely hit all the rom-com buttons perfectly. the biggest laugh for me was the reveal of "cup of joel."
my dad would occasionally watch tv while he was working in his den. one night at dinner, he told us about a movie he had seen that day. from his description, i realized it was "conan the barbarian" but when i asked him the title, he said it was "the jerk." apparently, he'd looked up the listing in the tv guide &…
but the band was actually named after a real guy so…
when i was little, i insisted my grandparents buy me a t-shirt with the art work for the grateful dead's "skeletons from the closet" on it b/c i liked the skeleton. i had no idea who the grateful dead were.
took me a while to realize sir richard burton explorer was not richard burton actor.
i only recently realized that "draught" is pronounced "draft." i always thought it was "draut."
i thought the book was real also until i got to the aside about never fighting a land war in asia & the penny dropped…but up until then, i was with you.
i read this book, waited a few weeks & then read it again.
"housebound" was pretty good.
that was really interesting, thanks for sharing.
"just an ordinary day" - a collection of unpublished shirley jackson pieces (as a prelude to reading "let me tell you" which is the new collection of other unpublished pieces).