
yer gonna need a whole lotta eye drops…

he'd be perfectly fine if you would just get off his lawn.

sorry, phrasing. seriously, are we not going phrasing anymore?

well, what else could it possibly be????? seriously, what other instances of mass hysteria have been blamed on ergot?

especially since the people killed WEREN'T witches! it's one thing to kill people b/c you don't like that they are jewish or native american or african american or what have you. these men & women weren't broomstick-flying magic witches or even wise old women of the forest witches…the emphasis in the town shouldn't

what bothers me most about all this is that the people who died weren't witches! they didn't claim to be, they weren't trying to be, they didn't want to be so the fact that witchraft is the selling point is sort of false advertising. i guess the slogan "we murdered a bunch of innocent people here a long time ago!"

i thought the theory that the wheat fungus ergot might have been the cause for the hysteria was pretty interesting.

he's also pretty wheezy. & not in a good way like on "the jeffersons."

it's his singing that gets me. i can only hope the person who told him he could sing is burning in hell right this very minute.

can you upvote the title of this article?

classic donald…

thanks, obama.

exactly. enjoyed the first one, couldn't get through the second, gave up. same story, different clothes.

i believe the shark was made…bite by bite…

good for her! then again, i have no interest in her, her songs or apple music.

or his lack of belt.

in russia, segway rides zombies!

he's really running away…from himself!

eats a pie??? i'd buy that for a dollar!

i love mom's sons!!!! i've "recreated" them in a couple of plays i wrote!