
thanks, obama!

that's only cool if the handshakers had never washed their hands again after shaking.

there was someone named irene of athens???? that's wonderful!

professor professorson - best. name. ever.

corporations are friend, my people.

so glad to hear about brenda!

"completely & unironically" - i'm with you!

that's mrs. buddy to you.

title???? title?????? i need this!


i am not gay but i am willing to move to indiana and marry someone of my sex just to make this happen.

i have an old board game called "shenanigans!"

watched a few episodes. didn't find it funny. don't know 99% of the people on the panels. skews way too "urban" for me but i guess i'm not the target audience.

nope. nope nope nope.

sorry, won't be watching. this guy isn't funny & i wanted a woman for a change. haven't enjoyed the larry wilmore show either so guess this totally frees up my 11pm-midnight time from now on.

i heard he has been officially named new host, too bad, won't be watching any more, would've liked a woman. i just don't think he's funny.

the worst part of howard shooting jimmy down was that he took a piece of jimmy's congrats cake with him to eat later! bastard!

glad someone else noted this - the "good markers" line is perfect. would also have accepted a line about "the good scissors."

i love your photo!

just in the last few episodes i've come to realize that h jon benjamin does jimmy jr.'s voice & that throws me off.