
you're just saying that b/c it's a bit about bunnies…& you are a bunny!

spaghetti breakers unite!


thanks for letting me know i wasn't the only one who didn't get that reference.

if people stop looking at him & giving him money, he'll stop & go away. so the question is…why are people looking at him & giving him money?

billy jack did that first. (raises one arm) "one tin soldier rides away!"


i loved "little friend" best as well.

"murder by death" rocks! it's the only neil simon thing i like.

costarring butterfly mcqueen!

i love the tv news depiction of the "mole women" - a mole head on top of a woman's body in a long dress!

Li'l Sebastian!

it made the whole bit! "coming up next, an encore presentation of "daddy's boy. no! we had a deal!"

your music sucks.

haven't we all seen every episode about a million times already?

well done, sir. & may i congratulate you on your photo!

you gotta read "the october game." best. ending. ever.

i think his best short story is "the raft." that creeps me out each time i read it.

i just have to say that the end of episode 10 is BRILLIANT!!!

i thought it was dinosaurs.