
i always thought it "the moment you need is on your shoulder." neither version makes any sense.

i read the first "best fictitious ride" story & then skipped the rest of the fiction & just read the non-fiction section in an afternoon. you can really hear his voice telling the story but unfortunately, it's pretty tame, not much happens - he spends lots of time waiting for rides & then gets picked up by the nicest

i've published 18 children's plays! the field is surprisingly lucrative & there's only a fraction of the competition you get in the field of adult drama.

at least you've always got that religious thing to fall back on! the…space pope!

i don't care what any of you say…i liked it! and if you don't want to be my friends anymore, my mom says you were never my friends to begin with.

dreadful, just dreadful…watched 2 minutes & turned it off. then thought maybe i was missing something so watched another minute…& turned it off. much much much too broad for me. after loving "fargo" & "penny dreadful" maybe i can't enjoy something like this any more.

i got "jaws" & i will apologize for anything kennedy-related.

a bit late to the party but…why does the monster keep saying he's immortal? he killed the second monster quite easily so being reanimated by lightning doesn't seem to guarantee immortality.

i love these!

i was definitely getting a "shining" vibe from the gliding hotel hallway shots & the little lobby area in front of the elevator - if a wave of blood had poured out when the elevator doors opened, i wouldn't have been the least bit surprised.

jinkies! (said sadly)

"hello, gang at cheers!"

in college, some theatre geeks and i staged "nick danger" by setting it in a radio studio - the nice thing was we didn't have to memorize the lines b/c we had our scripts in front of us (since it was supposed to be a radio show) - of course, we had the whole thing memorized anyway. where's the fire, danger? in your

now he is conscious & stable so hooray!

last i heard he was also in a coma.

soon the super karate monkey death car would park in my space…but jimmy has fancy plans…and pants to match…round & yummy like a cute small baby chick…

but jimmy has fear? a thousand times no!

dreadful, just dreadful. had so much high hope for this, i don't know why he blew it so badly. seemed like a rush job of writing.

re: "like normal people" - in college, a bunch of us used to call out "bunny!" and "roger!" to each other in linda purl's voice - i think bunny was roger's nickname for virginia. i'd completely forgotten this wonderful memory - thanks for bringing it back!

so president heller's probably going to sacrifice himself by giving himself to the terrorists b/c he's got dementia anyway & this is a better way to go out. right?