
best "24" episode: "24: the unaired 1994 pilot"

was the station wagon missing its back window? struck me as a funny little detail considering the season. maybe it was just really clean.

chekhov's wound.

it's right next to the haunted amusement park…

hawaii, dude ranch, disney, las vegas, australia…

actually, i think the correct name is "knifey-spoony." you might play a regional variant.

just like the old gypsy woman said!

since there don't seem to be any humans in the equestranauts' land, why does chariot pull a chariot? who rides in the chariot? other ponies? why would they? wait, am i over-thinking this?

i demand more antonio in this show! more antonio!

what, no love for "how to forgive your father" by deborah hitler?????

lana. lana. lana. lana! what?! danger zone.

i loved scred!!!!!


no!!!!!! orin/mom rules!

nothing on this show will ever be as good as orin as april's mom. nothing.

didn't like this episode for some reason - it came across to me as them trying too hard.

Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.

you mean it wasn't barry, it was other barry.

like him or not, at least louis' eyes weren't glued to the cue cards. i really appreciated that.

and no lupus.