
am i the only one who immediately knew the answer was "bunsen honeydew" & kept yelling it at the tv?

i really liked the opening bit (trouble opening the locker, knocking over folders, picking up a pencil) which seemed to riff off those commercials for products that cost $19.99 & make life just a tiny bit simpler but try to pretend that they are making life a whole lot simpler - "do you have problems taking tissues

i'm a female pats fan & i think tom's the dreamiest!

that is truly everyone's mother with the tree!

in "murder," i loved how burt faded his voice out as he wheeled himself back away from the window into the shadows! well done, burt!

louise's line to her father about how she's told him to wipe front to back floored me. in a good way.

thought it, no. sung it, yes!

no song will ever top "electric love" in my book - whoever rhymed "aw, topsy" with "autopsy" is a creative genius.

what if we count the butt as two - left cheek & right cheek?

am i the only one who was hoping for zombie little ass kicker?

"some dreams are better off as dreams. did you see that movie INCEPTION? it was someone's dream to make that piece of crap." best. line. ever.

i only saw "summer heights high" & i thought that was amazing.

i love craig!!!!!

hey, i live on the cape, too! let's start a bob's fan club! we can meet for burgers!

first thing i did this morning was rewatch "midnight coterie" - the best bit of the season so far!

i love love love "summer of night" & reread it every few years, always in the summer in the evening when it's dark & warm & quiet with just the crickets & peepers singing - it's a typical "kids v. monsters in a small town" story but it's very well done & there are several genuinely creepy scenes as well as a

hey, you took my avatar! i was here first!

also, do you want ants? because this is how you get ants!

this is why we can't have nice things.