
i love how in the "just what year is this?" world of archer, the desk top computers are ancient but they apparently have smart phones.


see, the susan banthony line is exactly what makes this show so great - other shows would've had someone correct virginia in order to explain the joke to the audience but here, you either catch the joke on your own or you don't.

what - no love for how wonderful barney's linus moment in explaining the history of arbor day was?  "lights, please?"

very late to the party here but i just watched this episode & my question is…in the flashback to archer's "accident" with the vacuum cleaner as a boy, what does woodhouse say in answer to the question "what could've caused this?"

"Two steps forward, one step back."

"Two steps forward, one step back."

i misread this as "exorcism ninjas!"

i misread this as "exorcism ninjas!"

"a fire hydrant and his iPhone"

"a fire hydrant and his iPhone"

New prediction:  Wilson checks his bucket list, remembers that he's always wanted to act in a play, gets cast in a community production of a Shakespeare piece.  House is angry that rehearsals will take up most of the time he has left, forbids Wilson to participate.  Wilson stands naked in front of the glass wall of

House & Wilson go hiking before House reports to prison.  Suddenly, a new character named Lupus Sarcoidosis jumps out of the bushes!  He & House grapple & then together they disappear over the Reichenbach Falls…

i have to say the fact that the person they suspected of being the critic actually WAS the critic surprised me.  usually in this situation, the characters suspect the wrong person of being the critic & fall over themselves trying to impress him while the real critic gets ignored, thus leading to the bad review.  i was

it's the long con! gene rules!

"your tongue feels so much different than my cat's."

tina to gail regarding an upcoming gossip session:  "what's up with linda lately?"

how sweet is gene in a girl's bathing suit - & then not recognizing the boy's suit that bob is wearing!

stephen root, i want to go to there!

just to shake things up, i'm just going to say (in a breathless voice)…wow.