Toots Sweet

johnny cash
is starting to turn into country music's version of Tupac. And that's a sad thing

He looks like my Uncle Bob

whatever happened
to danny cooksy's band?

Aw, thank you. Most of the time people just shorten it to "It's always sunny." How come I didn't get that memo?



Right, cause Michael jackson wasn't on any drugs like Artie Lange was/is

No, his name is Andrew somethingorother. I actually was on an improv team with him once. His timing was rather flaccid in scenes


So let me get this straight. Because I hated the film and what he was trying to get across with his s0-called "message", automatically he wins? I realize what he was trying to do with the piece. I just didn't fall for it. If i take a dump in public, that doesn't give me the right to call out people who are offended

No, the roommate had a copy that he stole from target. So my money wasn't wasted. Just my time

funny games

Now Toots…

I once listened to Steven Seagal's record


Psh, Memento is still overrated.

That has nothing to do with 10 friends camping. The more I think about it, the more I think the answer is "decampalon" or something queer like that

I don't know. I didn't see the film, mostly cause it involved sandra bullock. But i do crossword puzzles all the time (including the av club one) so I am curious what the clue leads to. If Wil Shortz uses it soon, I'm gonna be pissed

What's the answer to the crossword puzzle clue in the sandra bullock movie?

Toots Sweet gets bypassed again