
Wow, this is the best version of Psycho Killer ever.

What? Don't leave the stone spearhead behind!

Why do I get the feeling that Season 4 will end with dragons fighting ice giants?

The whole thing with Theon is starting to feel like a really naughty episode of The Prisoner.

This was probably my least favorite episode of Mad Men ever. I found it singularly joyless and unmoving. I don't know if Don's creepy treatment of Sylvia like a pleasure girl was a sincere response to having her all to himself, or if he was trying to push her away so she wouldn't fall in love with him, and I don't

Littlefinger's monologue about chaos being a ladder was one of my favorite moments in the entire series.

The Stark war effort appears doomed by this sort of bravado-based decision-making. Rather than marry the daughter of a key ally, Robb marries for love— a luxury a hopeful for the throne doesn't really have. Karstark wants to kill Jaime to avenge his dead sons, despite the fact that the Lannisters have live hostages.

I gave up after episode 2. I just couldn't get my head around why this guy's 10th grade appreciation of Edgar Alan Poe would inspire a massive cult of murderous fanatics.

The real power in Game of Thrones always seems to reside behind the throne. Cerce Lannister discarded Robert Baratheon like an old battery the moment he got in her way, Stannis Baratheon is completely in the thrall of Melisandre, and is there any doubt that Maergary Tyrell will be running Joffrey's kingdom in short

I think it also demonstrates to everyone that Robb Stark is more of a self-absorbed romantic than someone capable of the self-sacrifice and pragmatism required to meet the demands of state.

Granted, the idea was to use Jaime as part of a prisoner exchange, but it was a pretty poorly hatched idea at best. Once the exchange had been made at King's landing, I see no reason why they wouldn't simply kill Brienne and take Samsa back into custody.

Is Game of Thrones getting "soapy?" Yes. It's also turning into a really great meditation on the nature of power.

House of Cards had me locked in until episode 11. The thing I loved about HoC was that all the machinations and back-room dealing seemed like it could actually happen in real life, but that illusion of authenticity was traded in for cheap soap opera theatrics when they had Underwood murder a fellow Congressman and

I think Pod is part dragon.

I think the Charlie-Marnie subplot is usually the worst thing about the show, just by virtue of the fact that they're the two weakest characters. If I need to get up to get a glass of water or something, I usually wait until Charlie or Marnie are on the screen.

Her complaint seems not to be against gentrification, as the bohemian wave which transformed Williamsburg during the last couple of decades was itself a form of gentrification, but with the fact that it is now being gentrified by people richer and less interesting than her friends.

In the end, Amy's enlightenment came, not by getting any of the things she wanted out of life, but by simply becoming unafraid to live on her own terms.

A really underrated element of Girls is its ongoing commentary on the publishing industry. Season 1 had the book release party of the friend who got famous via the oppression-porn memoir, one of the clearest (and cheapest) avenues for a 21st century writer to establish themselves. Last night's episode had a similarly

To me, the story of Adam's relationship with Natalia (which I presume to now be over) demonstrates how, while Adam might want an uncomplicated relationship with a normal woman, that's just not in his genetic makeup. He's incapable of coping with the middle-American demands of forced socialization with run-of-the-mill

A solid ending, though I felt a little cheated on the dreaded revelation when Tyler has to finally tell Eileen about his betrayal. My heart was really aching for Eileen knowing what was in store for her, but we never really get that moment of heartbreak. She storms out of the apartment, and after a few words from Amy,