Not as piratical as this one.
Wouldn't the US equivalent of the royals be the Kardashians or some other group of celebrities that don't do much skill-wise?
"'If I wanted riddles, I'd read the funny pages' doesn't even fucking make sense; the funny pages are comic strips, not riddles"
I'm psyched for this Batman to grow up and hit all his villains with their own walkers. He can put them into Arkham Retirement Home.
They'll kill Selina and then introduce her sister who is also named Selina Kyle. Classic Smallville.
(This actually happened on Smallville, with Jimmy Olsen. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.)
And never forgive.
"Now named Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley) instead of the far less groan-worthy Pamela Isley"
Well, someone DID look at that sequence and say, "This should be a whole TV series!"…
Oh yeah, totally forgot about the Netflix ones. At least viewers can set their own pace with those. Luke Cage and Iron Fist are the other two of those.
Agent, Carter and -s of SHIELD, though those are kind of only one show timeslot commitment wise. And Powers eventually, on Zune-net or as God of War DLC or whatever it is.
Linda Holmes dropped a full-length version of the Copmom Momcop theme song:…
Since it looks like we'll have a completely unrelated movie Flash and TV Flash, and movie Gotham and TV Gotham, it seems plausible we could have unrelated network and cable Deathstrokes.
"Will Smith for Trigon," he typed, aiming his joke squarely at the crossover audience of Teen Titans comic fans and people who saw Winter's Tale
It's not unprecedented, but the fact that they make this mistake EVERY TIME is obnoxious. At least we went from Burton-Batman shooting at people to Nolan-Batman shooting at walls. If the pattern holds, maybe this one will just shoot into the ground.
At first I thought this meant someone had a campaign against Sonia the character, as if anyone could resist the charms of that horse jacket.
As they're crossing the street in the second movie, the address 23 Jump Street is already under construction. I don't remember the comment that's made about it, but the joke is there.
Those can't be #1 and 2 in a world where "honky" and "cracker" exist.
I think "#th Man" is public domain by now, if not always. Tons of teams across all kinds of team sports use it, though not necessarily all to the same extent. It's like getting upset someone other than the original school is using "Go Big [Insert Color]"