Damn if Hank can't tell he got a hand job from a tranny, but he's laser beam-focused on our Fring in the meth business. That was a superb reveal of Hank's recent fevered homework. You knew there was another shoe left to drop when he capitulated with "Yep, it's crazy." Dean Norris must be taking lessons from Vincent…
M.S. is hawt.
I think it's either implied that Gus gets his cleaners on it or that it will become a factor in the near future - some sort of Hank "ah haa" moment. The thing that's implausible to me is, on the assumption that the driver knew of the last hit (big assumption, sure - he's more likely some clueless lackey) he wouldn't…
Right, because it's pretty deep, ya know.
Nah, it was the perfect bird flip at Bogdan after he snidely belittled him about being a cashier and calling his wife (even if it's true). Nice humorous touch from the writers.
Seriously, EJ and zxcvb, maybe y'all should have had the common courtesy to knock.
Donkey - Donna wrote that Gus was working the Jesse setup to eliminate Walt's "ability to appeal to their partnership as a bargaining chip." I think that's a far cry from trying to turn him against WW. Gus has shown that he admires Walt's talent and perfectionism. Observe his reaction in the season premier when Gale…
Good theory, Bender. Going off the previouslies that showed the cartel guy threatening Gus just before he gets gunned down, I took the ambush as inserting that factor of Gus's troubles back into the arc.
How's the ear?
I love Mike. The opening was one of the best I've seen on TV in years. Jonathan Banks is one of those "Hey that's the guy from…" workhorses who have been around forever.