Alabama F. Sandwiches

Every generation gets a Superman of its own. 35 years ago, some folks sat in the cinema watching Christopher Reeve's nebbishy Clark, shaking their heads, and thinking back to George Reeves' hardnosed reporter, who wasn't above playing a little "bad cop / bad cop" with a suspect, needling the dirtbag while the cops

Recounting a film's plot beat-by-beat is an obnoxious and amateurish way of writing a review, Mr. Vishnevetsky. Spoiler Space exists for a reason. Take a look at the AVClub's "Superman Returns" review to see how you set the table without spilling the beans.

Definitely. I also think Bob is meant to be one of the first generation who grew up on advertising and actually believes in the dreams that Don and Roger so cynically sell — that happiness is there for the taking, that it only depends on buying the right product at the right moment. He is a character straight out of

This was a make or break episode for me. The hallmark of Maron's podcast is its honesty, but Maron's scripted sitcom isn't "WTF: The TV Show", and has to discover what else it wants to be. Up until now, I hadn't been able to figure out what that was, and maybe Marc Maron hadn't either. The "Louie" comparisons are