
But which one will surprise us the most?

Should have based it on Black Flag. Minus the modern/future aspects. Soo… just make a pirate movie I guess.

Templars never got a shout out in a Cypress Hill song

ASSassins Crap

I'll bet they still hold up some what

or that. Really, just any sort of Star Wars space combat game. My dream would be for it to be made by the Ace Combat folks

I was really attached to the characters despite the lack of development and backstory they got. Agree on Cushing.

Rogue One was good, really enjoyed the action. The plot was just okay but toward the end it became video game ridiculous: plug in this cord, flip a switch, do the QTE to use the robot hands, then time the continually opening and closing hatch, etc. I was really attached to the characters even though they were

it'll still be raking in the money at the big screen cinemas actually.

didn't you see they're partnering with the college humor creator?! I personally cant wait to laugh at "how guys vs girls post fake news stories"

sounds like goo goo gaa gaa pee pee caa caa

obviously you haven't read who indeed

that's coming next summer tho

thank god this doesn't releaseat the same time as monster trucks- it would be hard to decided between which to see first

that's cool and all mark but can you please not force me to install fb messanger on my phone just to check private messages? especially when your platform insists on sending me a private message to inform me that I am friends with someone, after I have hit accept friend request

the world is, however, a vampire

they were not ignored. they chose to listen to the lies and contradictions and baseless promises that appealed to them. this despite the constant factual refuting of said things. already we are seeing how many promises are being walked back (lock her up! drain the swamp! no more obamacare!) and it is no surprise to

twitter is an alternate dimension imo

24 hour Christmas Story marathons have taken that movie from one of my favorites to one of my most hated. Also I think its made me like Christmas less overall.

i love western movie