
what do you mean? the willenium is still ongoing, willenials are all around you my friend

I thought one of them joined the army

First one was cool, maybe this one is too.

Dr Ken is kind of depressing that it sucks cause it's got a great cast but it mostly makes me just want to watch FOB or Martin (Ginaaaa!)

*laugh track*

" a hit man who screws to Nosferatu, applies his makeup to Beethoven, and quotes Karl Marx before a kill. "
We did it yall, we found the most "9th grader's LARP character" ever

I'm gonna watch Major League

Interested in Beevor (heh). What's the scope and scale of the book? ie does he present it from all levels- first hand personal accounts all the way up to big picture stuff?

Battlefield 1 this Friday. So hyphy. I could be playing now but I refuse to pre order. I was very impressed with the beta and have been hearing great things from everyone currently playing. WW1 is a real unique setting for this type of game and it's a conflict that has always fascinated me and I've enjoyed studying. I


reddit must be overloaded with joyous memes and comics in celebration of this release

god damn long ass cart rides for every mission during the mexico detour

That's piano, I said piani!

I didn't like RDR multiplayer because the gun progression and utility is linear that you're screwed if someone is higher level than you. GTA Online never held my attention either, not really interested in grinding out guns and vehicles and features I already spent all of singleplayer working towards

I've heard nothing but good re BF1, so I'll be picking it up Friday. Kind of surprised Dice finally got it right on release

I played Skyrim for the first time last fall, with several quality of life mods, and I never finished it. The combat in TES games eventually loses my interest. I still put in probably 30-40 hours though

I'm probably alone in just slightly preferring Revolver to Redemption. Redemption had an amazing aesthetic and production but the gunplay was a bit linear and the open world was pretty… empty (yes, yes, western setting and all that I know). I tend to find the open world games to be lacking in depth in general though.

But its the 3rd game in the series

DAD, that's not what its called!

Re7 Dea7 Re7emp7ion