
I feel like seeing Huck lick his lips in pleasurable anticipation of torturing someone's body with a drill warrants higher than a 4, no?

And when Marilyn Mosby read the indictments to the press quite a few people (on twitter at least) were like "Oh, wow, a real life Olivia Pope." Didn't realize Judy Smith was already working with Baltimore around then.

I think the Scandal "death" and Grey's actual death provide two very different examples of manipulation and shabby treatment of an audience.

Let's compare Jake and Russell as romantic options for Olivia:

Definitely miss Hollis. Scandal used to have pretty amusing/entertaining bad guys.

There are other political instead of spy-related plots they could pursue that would be so much more interesting. They could do impeachment, for instance. Or have any one of the main characters put on trial for one of the countless crimes they've committed. Or have a presidential divorce not to place Olivia and Fitz

In the below article from January, Shonda Rhimes talks about her obsession with B613. I doubt it's going anywhere. http://www.hollywoodreporte…

A question or two about inconsistent plot points (I don't know why I'm even trying with this show, but…)

And therein lies the problem with Scandal: when you are willing to throw characters under the bus to serve whatever plotline you have going that particular week, and then you ask your viewers to forget those characters actions when you turn to whatever new ridiculous plotline is appearing the next week, why should

Yes, I guess with Season 3 you can at least say Scandal was an imitation of itself. It was a more stupid, more insane, more ridiculous version, but it was still somewhat recognizable as itself.

Still don't understand how anyone can find the person who MURDERED JAMES hot. Poor freaking sweet James. Never Forget.

You weren't confused; the recapper was just confused. Jake definitely killed James &co.

Yeah, it was in the promo for next week's episode.

I really shouldn't care about it; after all, it's just how marketing works. This just seems particularly brazen though—the show's publicity arm pretending his "death" is some shocking moment when there are pictures that reveal it's just a charade suggests Scandal just thinks its viewers are stupid.

Heeyyy. All I'm saying is Spylight Scandal released promo pictures yesterday showing him alive two episodes from now. I saw them via twitter, but the photos themselves link to their tumblr page.

Um, no, David's secretary Molly killed the people in the safe house last week (the B613 operatives).

Whoa, you're right, that line of the recap is weirdly phrased. You didn't miss anything last week; we already knew Jake killed James and two other totally innocent people. That's fact. Last week was just the first time in awhile they brought it up.

Ha. Or 3) the pictures released yesterday that literally show Jake alive two episodes from now.

Justin, Just look for the pictures of him alive two episodes from now. They are via Spylight Scandal.

The promo pics showing Jake alive and well and recovering in Liv's bed are from the episode airing two weeks from now ("A Few Good Women").