Alan LaCerra

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus Wouldn't the universe fall horribly out of balance if airbending disappeared completely?

So, Spirit World-assisted teleportation?  That's different.  How long until "Beam me up, [insert Avatarland name that sounds like Scotty; I prefer Suki to Sokka]"?

Beware the spontaneous "Oh no, you didn't!"  It'll cause Jerry to pop up, and you'll have to push the button again to get rid of him.

Abby's argument that Reggie gave Amber a new, fully smiling face was almost too cute, but she owned the cuteness.  :-)

The screens in the alien conference room gave information about whoever was standing to speak, including age (sometimes requiring narrowing down or confirming), race, and date of death.  That's some nifty technology there.

Revised Thesis: Suits < Mad Men

Isn't it a bit of a waste to call this episode "Stay" when it doesn't feature a "stay of execution" at all?  I get that the word has other meanings that do apply to this episode, but still…

There should be some sort of law: the televisual corollary to Murphy's Law.

It stopped trying to be Lost. I watched it all, but I wouldn't call it "really good." It was passable. I felt I owed it to the Stargate franchise to derive what enjoyment I could from its last series.

The whole thing makes me think of the lovable, if a tad sexist, Sam Axe saying, "You know lawyers…bunch of bitchy little girls."

Schmidt's "3M Speech," as it were, got the biggest laugh out of me.  :-)

Could Louis handle keeping Mike's secret if it ever came to that?

I'm glad Carrie asked where Katrina is.  She was conspicuously absent from this episode.  Louis was looking for another associate with Sheila, and I was wondering why he wasn't spending any time with his supposed mentee.

If I never hear Ava Hessington's name again, it will be too soon.

I barely made it through this episode because the Mike and Rachel interactions about her going to Stanford were so awful that they made every other part of the show seem juvenile as well, but then the focus shifted to Jessica so I toughed it out.

The V wasn't for Chekhov; it was for Henry V.  She doesn't like Russians; she likes Brits.

The Inverted Jenny, the most famous error in American philately.  Cha-ching!

Speaking of rote execution, that "lost soldier" story was awful.  They hit all the major cliches and threw in some homophobia to boot.

I love me some Salli Richardson-Whitfield, but her character was an irredeemable bitch this episode.  Boo!

If by this episode you mean both parts taken as a whole, then I would agree with you, but I laughed a lot more during the first half than the second.  I read the second as more touching than funny (or at least it was supposed to be touching, I think).