Alan LaCerra

Good Bunheads idea.  :-)

That doesn't sound like a musical I'd want to see.

When I saw Daisy as The Diva, I thought "soap-opera villain chic" as opposed to Ana's just plain bitchiness in the role.  Is that not the reaction Smash was going for?  :-)


NBC's renewal indicates the power of positive thinking?  :-)

The people from the darkest timeline kind of suck at being evil, right?

It bothered me how Jeff's old partner wants him to come back to work at a law firm now that he's graduated from a community college with a real degree.  Doesn't Jeff still need to get a real law degree eventually?

I saw SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE on the board in the background of the episode.  Is anyone still thinking this will happen?

@Scrawler2:disqus I know, right.

- Telepathic Charles Dickens
- Alien Mata Hari
- Cybernetic John J. Audubon
- Sea-creature Harriet Tubman
- Banshee Joan of Arc
- Fairy Galileo
- Shapeshifting Lord Byron

Let's give him a narcoleptic sidekick named Rip.

Different versions will have different information of course, but by my reckoning, the name Lucifer appears once in Isaiah, Satan appears more often throughout the Bible, and the Good Book talks about evil all the time.

The easy way out would be to say that you can still enter Heaven or Hell but you cannot leave.  ("They livin' it up in the Hotel California.")

I agree that she wasn't evil, but I do think that the show wanted us to feel that way.  They gave her glowing eyes and didn't really persuade us to feel remorse over her loss.

That wasn't hemlock, you fool.  It was wolfsbane.  Mwahahahahaha.

Likes:  Gus ("What is happening right now?"), Woody (insisting on being tied up), Shawn ("If you killed him, just tell me"), Juliet (using "lady doctor" on Lassiter), and generally how everything spirals out of control

Part of the point of this episode was to get Shawn to let Juliet in on his lies only to have her tell him that she doesn't want him to do so in the future.

"A time-traveling Ichabod Crane."  Nuff said, I'm there.  :-)

It seemed like a pretty big reveal in "Malleus Maleficarum" that demons are actually human souls, but apparently, the Men of Letters had already known that for years and years.