Alan LaCerra

I felt the same way about the Elvis lamp.  She was awfully pushy, wasn't she?

So, will we be getting a "this is what Hank did on vacation—oh look, it involves Wesen" episode now?

I loved when Pierce expressed his wish that Britta was making her way around the table by hooking up with Jeff and then Troy and then maybe Pierce.  :-)  It was a little line, but I thought it was funny and indicative of this episode's laugh factor.

He's at least part "looney tunes," right?  ;)

I loved the Toby material here.  :-)

That "Shave and a Haircut" move reminded me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?  (That would make Sheldon Roger Rabbit and Amy Judge Doom.)

"Professional prowess and success instead of, I don’t know, owning up to his mistakes and working to rectify the situation."  Talk, damn it!  Talk about what you've done.  Have an adult conversation, Shawn.  (I know you don't want to, but c'mon, it's time.)

"The annoying ex-boyfriend stuff started to insist upon itself, and not only in the charming sitcom way but in the 'this guy's pissing me off' way."  Yep.  I'm right there with ya.

It reminded me of Emma Thompson in Wit.

When we first heard the story about the woman in the hospital whose vegetative state resulted from a drunk driver, I thought that the episode was going to proceed from Dean's thinking that Charlie was the bereaved daughter to his discovery that she was actually said drunk driver, but the episode was a lot simpler than

I agree on the musical numbers.  :-)

I liked this episode more than Myles did, but I don't think I liked it this much.

Paradoxes resolve themselves by and large, according to The Doctor (how convenient!), so maybe Alec and Emma don't have to make babies, after all.  Nonetheless, if the chemistry between them is any indication, they'll want to eventually anyway.

The Doctor's really been playing with those TARDIS settings, hasn't he?

"I wanted to nitpick the 'how on earth is Clara piloting the Tardis' thing.  But then I remember it's a sentient computer."  Still, the series has in the past made an issue of knowing how to pilot the TARDIS, and it was still sentient at that point.  Also, I thought that traveling on the outside of the TARDIS was

"You might have to go all the way back to the Ninth Doctor and Rose for a companion who challenged the Time Lord’s perspective quite so thoroughly."  I was definitely thinking about this.  See for example "The End of the World."

"Dougray Scott could have been given more to do, but Jessica Raine was great."  I feel like they both could have been given more to do.  The psychic saves the day by sitting down and "feeling" with a crown-looking piece of technology on her head.  The emotions were fine, I agree, but it all felt a bit passive to me.

Acknowledged.  But the show could have gotten around that in a variety of ways (working on homework outside of class, talking in the classroom without the teacher present either before or after class, having a substitute, etc.).

Just goes to show you, you help out someone in need, she turns out to be a mentally unstable killer.

"I spent most of my time watching it feeling vaguely uncomfortable, because I knew I was supposed to be having emotional reactions, and I just wasn’t."  That pretty much wraps up my reaction as well.