@OldeFortran77:disqus , that was Worf's nanny, one of several survivors from Kittamur massacre of which Worf was only survivor. And fat Klingon was chancellor before Gowron, who Duras was poisoning. One of favorite episodes of TNG.
@OldeFortran77:disqus , that was Worf's nanny, one of several survivors from Kittamur massacre of which Worf was only survivor. And fat Klingon was chancellor before Gowron, who Duras was poisoning. One of favorite episodes of TNG.
Even has capes and villain monologuing. Me did think it well written story, you get drawn in quickly and completely. But me not really need another take on superhero clichés, either ironic or sincere.
And their rich, Corinthian leather!
Martok fantastic character. He also have some of best lines: "Of course to die in battle would be glorious. But winning is just more fun!"
It also work as retcon because they stand by it. Idea of Bashir being genetically altered comes up several times in remainder of series' run.
What does "r" stand for?
It one of those roles where, now when me picture Crumb in head, me picture Urbaniak, even though me know what Crumb look like. Me do same thing with Al Capone and DeNiro.
Me very disappointed when me do Ctrl-F to find "stew" and nothing come up. Get act together, commentors!
Yeah, me worried that jokes will only be references to original series. Someone write, probably on this web site, that Austin Powers was loving sendup/homage of James Bond movies, but sequels were loving sendup/homage of Austin Powers. Me really not want to see Arrested go down same road.
That very disappointing. Me loved first record. They also did Christmas song, "Santa Stole My Lady," which was best new Christmas song me heard in long time. Me was hoping we had years of good albums to look forward to from these guys.
Me gave it shot, mostly because me was curious. It seem less like Sherlock and more like CSI: Main Guy Is English For Whatever Reason. Me have same feeling me did about Guy Ritchie movies - it work fine for what it is (action movie / police procedural), but it help to pretend it about some other guy who also named…
So that what "Winter is Coming" mean…
Muppet Movie, and not just because me have cameo. It really wonderful film from beginning to end.
This was fantastic thing. Nice work.
Ant Man have own network?
Me liked that movie a lot. It even had shocking twist - that he move to L.A. That surprise and freak me out more than anything M. Night Shyamalan ever did.
Depressive-older-brother-plucky-kid-sister relationship he have with Claudia always entertaining too.
Thank… you?
Most importantly, how will we be able to watch it in U.S.?
They used him too much in fourth series, but in small doses he was great.