
Headline me would like to submit to Onion:

@avclub-4c32c52c6ba653f1ac69eccc09afc408:disqus need to go listen to Self-Inflicted Aerial CancerAIDS.

Andy Warhol killed by too much water. He went into hospital for routine gallbladder surgery, and doctors overhydrated him, which killed him.

Me thought they cancelled Office spinoff!

Me just want to say that me have been spending last few weeks checking email to see if AVClub had awarded me Newswire gig, but then Sean toss off something like this and remind me he operating on whole other level. Sorry, O'Neal, you will forever be chained to Newswire desk, because who could possibly replace you?

Wow. Me assumed there were other Bills fans on site, but me still surprised to find multiple people admitting it openly.

Friend of mine once met man named Thor Thors. It pretty much not possible to have name more badass than that.

Let us see Chicago-based-film-project before we decide anything.

Well said, sir. Further me go down comments, more these start to sound like eulogies, so me have to stop before googly eyes start to fill with tears.

Well said. Me feel same way. Me have been reading AV Club since before it was on web, and commenting under various names as long as there have been comments. In retrospect, me have probably spent unhealthy amount of time on site talking about old TV shows and sweet Laurel Canyon sound with bunch of strangers. But

Me suspect they all just got sick of hearing about Dawes.

He never should have eaten that Cheeseburger In a Can!

Me just came back from having tooth pulled at dentist (too many cookies, go figure). It end up costing twice as much as me thought it would. And this is still most painful thing to happen to me today.

"Kindergaydar" is best new word of 2013, hands down.

Sure it is. Apart from anything else, propagating species pretty rational thing to want. But while having kids tiring, stressful and expensive, it also one of life's great joys for many people. You may think eating cookies not rational, and we should all be eating kale. But what kind of miserable slog through life is

Near/Far is big enough turf that few of us have taken crack at it.

Of all of viral infections passed along by Paris Hilton, it good to know at least one of them clear up all by itself.

Me really think Scandinavian system - where society in general share more of financial burden of child-rearing - way to go. Instead of system we have, where in early part of career you not make much money, but you have to support children and maybe stop working for years to raise them. Then years pass, you earn more

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus , they not sexual in nature at that age, but someone can still make heart beat faster even at presexual age.

By same token, Sopranos often one of funniest shows on TV, because it not have to constantly churn out jokes, it can just use really good joke when appropriate.