
Yeah, that one pretty great.

One of secrets to being good parent is to not lose creativity and sense of wonder - in other words, to remember what being kid like. These strips capture that pretty well.

Me appreciate that, especially since suggestion seem to be universally disliked based on previous comments.

Really? That was takeaway from Pants Overrated strips 2-4? Thing me liked best about strips is how he willing to join Bacon and rejoin kid fantasy world, even while still being adult figure. Calvin grown up now, but he still fundamentally Calvin.

Me disagree, obviously. In large part because artists not trying to faithfully recreate Calvin & Hobbes, but creating new work with new perspective on characters. Both in terms of art and characterization, Hobbes & Bacon, regardless of which artist making strips, captures original spirit very well, without trying to

They prefer to be called "Furries," @avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus .

You not want to know.

Me have favorite Trent moment:

Me pretty sure every actor out there have story that far more debasing. So, yes.

Me thought having Guy Fawkes Day represented by Sid Vicious without comment was pretty good joke.

Betrayal, you ruined my life
Betrayal, twisting knife
Betrayal, yeah. Betrayal.

Also handled teen character facing loss of virginity better than any live-action show me aware of. Daria have very thoughtful, realistic, emotionally resonant arc where she debate sleeping with boyfriend. But me not talking about that, me talking about Jane, who have this one-liner: "Me saving self for college. 11AM

Nothing odd about that. Trent was great.

Hey Jude b/w Revolution - best 45 ever pressed to vinyl.

B-side-only gems would make great inventory. Me throw out another one: Sleater-Kinney's "By Time You're Twenty-Five," which only released as b-side to "Get Up." Maybe two favorite S-K songs on one seven inch.

Lactose consumption seem to be European thing. Most Asians, Africans and Native Americans lactose intolerant. So milk mostly for white people and monsters, because it go so well with COOKIES!!!!!!!!

Me had cookie phone long before Juno.

Me hate that guy!

Now that, me would go see.