
Does three things really count as a bunch?

I thought Snoop Dogg was on No Limit…

I was a pretty huge Chuck Palahniuk fan in high school. Survivor was surely the best novel ever written and I cried at the end of the Fight Club movie. I wrote the dude letters (and he wrote back and sent presents!), talked about him to all my friends, and read his books until they started to fall apart. I was less

But, I still feel like Rick Ross does it more flagrantly than anybody else. I mean, he was prison guard. He was on the other side of the law. It's not like he started rapping after leaving his life as a library page or something. Don't you think stories about the prison drug trade would be pretty interesting?

Remember when rappers used to get called out for fabricating their pasts? I'm more than willing to suspend my disbelief in order to enjoy fiction (and I understand that exaggeration can enhance a story), but I'm confused about how Ross gets away with telling a life story that so contradicts his actual history. I mean,

Didn't he have some dental problems when they took his grill out before he went to jail?

Ass hole.


My guess is that you have a very small dong.

I'm also really great at pushing the wrong Reply button.

How about you're excellent at being inconsistent? That way, it sounds kind of good. Just like I'm very skilled at not getting laid.

I'm curious. Why did you put an apostrophe in ghettos but not in suburbs?

He's going to Tucson and not Denver? WTF?

I think he's probably at home, watching Madagascar with his kids.

I'm not a star. Somebody lied. I had a seizure in the car.