
Nerds love space

Push a button. Things happen.

…but that's not important right now


Mmmmm…. Trump musk….

Is America great again yet? I hate this sh!t.

covfefe in chief

Hey, Mr President, whaddaya say?
I just got back from the cov-fe-fé!
Cov-fe-fé, what's a cov-fe-fé?
It's what you oughtn't to do but you do anyway!

Covfefe Ugly

Coven 2: The Covfefening

This being the Internet, I expect to see at least one "covfefe" tshirt or bumper sticker by Thursday at the latest

I hope someone asks Sean Spicer about this at the next press covfefe

So much for the tolerant covfefe

I'll ask again: in your opinion, which journalists working today do you think are the most credible? Assuming you're not just trolling.

Lots of Hitler fans voted for Trump.

In terms of the damage he is inflicting on our government, yes, Donald Trump is worse than Hitler.

Where do you go for news? Which journalists do you trust?

Coot Crate

Civil rights are important. Would you be willing to go to jail for your beliefs, if it came to that?