
I hope Buzz makes a comment

You've heard the expression "let's get busy"? Well, this is a tortilla who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.

Count Tyrone Rugen unavailable for comment

How far we have come.

Upvoted out of respect for your pure and delicious cynicism.

Judging by that photo, he apparently has a hole in his trachea

Provide stickers and hats to make horrible people easier to identify and avoid?

Hmm right. Never mind

Behave in ways that serve as a warning to others?

He exhales carbon dioxide, a gas which is vital to life on Earth.

“This is a joy to behold for me. Dare I say, [Trump could be] a possible friend.”


He might be a dirty cop but he's the only guy who can bring down Mendoza.

He gets results, chief.

Maybe the guy was Paul Walker's brother! Did you even think about that?

King Kong is a giant water buffalo now? These remakes are getting weirder and weirder.

How do you feel about the lies coming from the White House?

Maybe somewhere in the article you could mention the year the episode aired?

Literally every Republican in 2010: "Too many poor people have health insurance! Give us control the House of Representatives and we will repeal Obamacare!"
Conservative Voters: "Okay, here you go."
Republicans in 2014: "Give us control of the Senate and we will repeal Obamacare!"
Conservative Voters: "Okay, done."

"Hmmm… maybe I should start a war to distract everyone from this epic failure."