Should art be made inaccessible to poor people?
Should art be made inaccessible to poor people?
Mount Rushmore was federally funded.
Are you being overtaxed due to NEA funding?
Are you personally being overtaxed due to NEA and NEH funding?
And that man's name? Donald Trump Diamond Joe Biden. And now you know…. the rest of the story.
I remember this from a stand-up bit I heard in the 80s. It goes on: "Why would anyone want to shave in there? I mean, what if the plane hits turbulence? You come out of the bathroom looking like Van Gogh!"
some renegade hacker to put on a goofy costume, call himself “Doctor Soundwave”
That's 15,000 bottles of Two-Buck Chuck's from Trader Joes!
I'm not hip to all the goings-on in the marvel super-hero-comic-verse but isn't Captain America a double agent from some sinister criminal organization? Seems to me I heard that a while ago and there was much gnashing of nerd teeth
He adheres to a Policy Of Truth
Reach out and punch face
Do you consider President Trump a moral individual?
Ah, thanks. It's so hard to detect sarcasm these days.
Look at the party of personal responsibility and family values.
Perhaps we should see his taxes, just to be sure.
This makes me sad. I've had Sister Sledge in heavy rotation for the past several months. R.I.P.
Are you a victim of racism?
I like how on the mobile site when I try to scroll through the comments, the article underneath scrolls instead. Great job!
The correct term is "illusion". A "trick" is something a whore does for money.