
With a dick in a box.

Have you gotten a chance to watch "The Chase" on Game Show network?

In a Mae/December romance with Melinda……….Mae.

And that is exactly the biggest problem.

I'm just gonna go watch the Archer Top Gun Promo again.

Will it be PERSONAL THIS TIME? For that would surely be a unique twist I have not seen before.

They were just super lucky and then the luck ran out.

All the houses in that neighborhood had roomba lawn mowers obviously.

Historical Spoilers

It seems like each season is about 1 year so far. If they go all the way to when Nucky finally goes to jail the show will run for twenty years.

We're in for a full month of that shit.

Well if Correy Feldman is to be believed that's what Hollywood is all about. But Feldman also considers himself some sort of bargain basement Hugh Hefner and throws whore parties with a cover charge so……………….I don't know.

How smart could she be? She got kidnapped after all.

The French are huge fans of "The Warriors"

What happened did the administrators figure out how to ban all usernames containing the word Sluggo?

The show has a very dedicated fan base but, I am not one of them. I bought the whole series box because people raved about it on AICN. It has some interesting ideas but, the execution is lacking, especially in the acting department.

Well this season looks to be shaping up as Inter-Racial Witch War unless some more powerful big bad shows up mid-season to force the two groups to unite.

Dude, Man-O-Taur is not the preferred nomenclature. Maze-O- Americans, please.

Scrawler is also the most prodigious AV Club commenter.

Murphy should have just gotten Toby Jones to come in and do his Truman Capote.