Grand Moff Ellen Barkin

They're all going to laugh at you [him]!

Katy Perry will play her in the biopic;
and THAT will be her revenge on the world.

need moar pie charts,

I believe it's spelled 'Linkedin' Park.

Victoria Jackson?
Like they'd let that ball of crazy near the building.

Dumbass, Clay Davis did it IN THE TRAILER!

Brent can't watch [the sequel] though.
Or he has to pay $100.


didn't 'Family Guy'
already cover this?


Still won't beat
His teaming up with Joe Jackson to record 'Common People'.

Isn't Marilu Henner in MENSA or something?

That would be a fun month; worth cozying up to the fire and reading while the Blizzard of '11 howls outside.

No, I'm taking the whole bean salad, including the garbonzo beans.

fuck it, I'll say it:
Every single one of those women is attractive and funny.

the fook else
were they going to promise?

well, let's see-
I don't really have the energy to figure out who Vincent Moon is…..

when you win, you get to butler for your dead mother and raped father?

I guess, since it's for the already affluent, that this is what E! is going for as soon as they get that big promotion the boss has been promising them?