Right Arm of Ponda Baba

Always loved that Megadeth cover of "Paranoid" in part because of the end, where Nick keeps on going and Dave yells at him to stop and you can then hear Mick say "Fuck. Me. Running."

Since 35 years ago today, one of my favorite albums was released, Duran Duran's "Rio," I went with a DD shuffle for my morning run:

Yeah, I've lost count of how many times I've thought "yep, he's done this time," going all the way back to when he first dissed McCain for being a POW.

Does this make Pence the Palpatine in this whole situation? Is he just bidding his time while we're distracted by Trump, subtly manipulating the whole thing?

Sorry to hear about the high school acquaintance and that he leaves behind a child who may one day wonder what happened.

Amen Brother @Dikachu:disqus !!!!!

I love that movie and any cinematic take on Arthur will most certainly fail to meet the Excalibur in style, visuals and cast. It's not a perfect movie but it does not get the credit it is due, I think.

And I'm afraid we're getting further a part given the ability to stay in our own media bubbles and self-affirming tribes telling us that we're on the right path and it's the rest of the heathens who need help seeing the Truth.

Conservatives' minds got so intoxicated by the Prosperity Gospel and truly believe now that God wants them to be rich and selfish and that poor people are poor because they aren't true Christians.

Too bad the sentence isn't permanent.

*Pratfall followed by amusing one liner.*

Get this man some Ritz crackers!

Gives a whole new meaning to "Feel the Bern!"

I understand. That's a movie Bill Murray even said he regrets. (maybe)

Yes - Life has improved, thanks. And I even have a cordial and successful co-parenting relationship with my ex. It was for indeed for the best. Hope you're in a better place as well.

Sounds like you, @anthonytx42:disqus, and @disqus_N34l89VML7:disqus got the same thing from "Eternal" that I did.

It's like poetry, sort of. It rhymes.

It lukes like you're making a pun there.

I totally get you on this! As I read your post, I was reminded of my own, very similar experience, only for me it was "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," which I didn't see until it hit video and I fell in love with it. I was moved to tears by it. I completely got the message and really wanted my then wife to

Then I'll wait.