Right Arm of Ponda Baba

Shoot, would like to respond but I'm drawing a blank.

GTI! is the anti-humor of the AV Club. That's the way I take it.

They built the pyramids to store cookies. It all makes sense now.

Oh my God… @disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus is Ben Carson!?!?!

Let's don't start sucking each other's dicks just yet.

Galaga II: Challenging Stage

…for a little assault and…battery?

I think you nailed it — or I have the same perceptions of Lucas regarding all things Star Wars. He seems to be coming dangerously close to the famous/infamous Alec Guinness tale when he tells the young fan to never watch the movie again.

"The answer is something-D-O-O economics…Bantha poodoo economics."

Retired??? Quick, get me Jon Stewart's non-union Mexican equivalent.

That ain't the only thing that's sprung.

I remember seeing this at my small town movie theater. The cheapness off it went right past 9-yr old me. I just remember enjoying it because it was in space…just like my favorite movie.

There have been some darn fine episodes of this show to date (most notably "Seige on Lothal" and the reappearances of Ashoka and Rex) but then there are some seemingly very obviously kid-focused episodes like this clunker.

Stop trying to make the prequels happen. They aren't going to happen.

The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke or GTFO.

Malzahn is a sleeper agent.

I had previously read Slaughterhouse Five (still my favorite) and Cat's Cradle and loved both. Kicking myself for waiting so long to read these.

WPS! Hogs went to "Death Valley" and whipped LSU. So unexpected and so much fun to watch.

On Vonnegut's birthday, I began a long-overdue reading of "Breakfast of Champions."

Upvoted for perfection in that statement.