Right Arm of Ponda Baba

I do allow pharmacists the tiniest bit of wiggle room, and I say this from firmly in the pro-choice/pro-birth control camp. If they don't want to dispense birth control and they are self-employed or their employer agrees to allow that restriction, then fine. There are other pharmacies…let the market sort em out.

Hold out.

D'oh! Thanks @avclub-c3be6e8cf75a921162b52b8937e66da9:disqus

Dude was once the governor of my state.

Oh dear, oh dear

Grandchildren of the Grave

— The AV Club

Which house?

And rapists.

I am a sap for these pun threads.

Of all histories, oral is my favorite.

This is nice, but when you be finished with the Pensky File, Internet?

Exactly! — At the same time, I found myself wondering how a show that has what I imagine is a good but still limited budget would manage showing something as large scale as the z_____ apocalypse in a large metro area - but I liked how they broke it down into bite-sized chunks and let you know that you were getting

"Rosanna" and "Africa" are so quintessentially 80s. Love em.

Right, I figured that had to be the reasoning…that he took the guy by surprised and just lucked out that the gun was pointed in the "right" direction when it went off.

Confession: "Do You Want To" was my gateway drug to FF. As a Duran Duran fan, it reminded me some of 80s New Wave. Thus I got the album…and after hearing "The Fallen," I was hooked. Still don't think they are receiving the acclaim they deserve. Have liked to varying degrees most everything I've heard of theirs…and

FF! Listened to that album the other day.


That reminds me I need to dig out the most recent Soundgarden for another listen.

Upvoted for DOA — great Roth era VH deep cut. Love that guitar riff.