Right Arm of Ponda Baba

Morning run shuffle from this morning:

True Confession: Never saw "Can't Hardly Wait," which was in post-Pulp Fiction era when I thought all I wanted to see was stuff of that ilk and that I had grown out of teen movie nonsense. I was in my 20s, so I knew everything.

I remember seeing this on video back in the 90s and finding it entertaining (myself being an 80s teen, I recognized the yearning for Hughes' style). But until I read this article, I don't think I could've told you a thing about the movie outside of the MaGuffin (record store being sold to chain, kids try to stop it).

2 Ben 2 10

The day Calvin& Hobbes and The Far Side went away was when I stopped reading the newspaper comics. In my book, they are the Alpha and Omega, the ultimate.

So was Neil Diamond actually singing "Turn on your fleshlight"???

Yeah, I always kinda liked "Run For Your Life" too because I could never take the lyrics seriously. I always figured it satire, whether intentional or not.

Porkys — Was on Showtime in heavy rotation back when cable TV was new to our Arkansas town in the early 80s. My always serious Dad, who famously fell asleep most every time we would all start watching a movie on TV, stayed awake a few times through "Porky's," giggling and laughing at all the bad jokes.

Oh, I know a little German. He's standing right over there.

No, I don't think you've said enough.

But who will play Alanis?

Doing an interview with Stern and yada yada yada, now I've got to apologize on Twitter.

Are you "So Tired"?


I don't know that I would refer to her as unsavory. My negative reaction to a reality show isn't due to her transgender status — it's due to Kardiassian-fueled "Cult of Celebrity" fatigue.

I thought this was a new OK Go video.

Fantastic! Four puns in a row.

"Incest!" — The fun game the whole family can play.

And you want to be my latex salesman?!?

It's only a pun if you look at it from the water.