I have a cat with Dickie's hair. I used to think he was unattractive, but now I admire him.
I have a cat with Dickie's hair. I used to think he was unattractive, but now I admire him.
Yeah — does anyone else notice that there's lots less killing than there used to be? Are we growing too attached to too many characters? (I know I am….)
Disappointed in Boyd for the crappy leave-Quarles-in-the-trailer-with-the-hookers plan AND for Duffy with the perplexingly bad car-bomb timing. I know the idea is to let key players live to fight another day (or at least one more episode), but I like Boyd and Duffy both too much to let the writers make them inept….
I like Isaac better than Michael, but both of them way better than the other judges. I suspect it's bc I find Isaac kind of sexy. Sorry.
I would have been OK with it if I could have seen the Hasidic influence. I always look at those guys on the street and feel sorry for them (and their non-dandyish wives) — they wear old-world wools in the NYC summer heat and always look miserable to me….
Phi Phi's definitely unlikeable, but I thought her schtick was semi-funny tonight. The "help" comment was appropriate for her character—clueless, racist Palinesque striver. She's not terrifically talented, that's all…
If it were a meaner-spirited show, I'd say the bartender is slated for an early demise — she's too perfect in every way. Not sure, though, whether JUSTIFIED will do that. She can't end up in a longterm relationship with Raylan, though. No tension.
Who cares? Great actors are allowed to be weird.
not drugs? I assumed it was that.
OK, tho — why was the kid able to bust the toilet when the Detroit guy came into the bathroom, but not before? Or did I miss something?
Yeah, I know what you mean, BUT the actor pulled it off — when I turned off the "oh, come ON" response to the I-was-abused-as-a-kid explanation and just watched him move, I was mesmerized. There's something about him physically that I find arresting — some (for me) perfect combination of the way he looks, the way he…
Maybe it was the grandma/Tio parallel, but at first I thought it was Jesse backing Duffy into the Winnebago with a gun….
I thought Jimmy was Carol. Not just at first, either. I watched the entire scene and argued with my husband after, bc I couldn't believe they'd make such a big deal out of the death of someone I'd never noticed before….
I admit the closing shot was cool/creepy, but everything else was just… irritating. No more TWD for me.
I agree — the moderator clearly did a crappy job, but if he works for Limehouse, it's unlikely that he's just crappy at what he does…. Limehouse is not on Quarles's team, for real.
Same here. If the thing "armed itself" and still gave them time to get out, wouldn't Tanner have been able to get out, too? Shouldn't they have pulled him out along with them? Or would his getting off of the stool have meant it would have blown up immediately (ie, there were two ways of getting to boom)??
OK, this is something that bothers me about the show that my husband thinks is crazy. Don't Boyd, Limehouse, and Winona have clearly weird, artificial-looking front-uppers? I read somewhere that Goggins does have a bridge bc his teeth got badly messed up when he was a kid. I know that Hollywood types often have…
I completely missed the implication that Raylan's mom was involved with someone in Nobles Holler. Wasn't Limehouse just bringing up the memories of Arlo's abuse, and his mom's suffering?
I think they're clearly positioning Limehouse as the Nobles Holler Boyd — criminal, but "good-guy" criminal. No way he ends up backing Quarles for real.
I think we're supposed to assume his wartime experience deadened him — at some point he and Raylan have a conversation about sniper duty, and he talks about getting to know a target better than his own wife, and how it affected some of the guys…. implication being, I think, that he functioned but was not unscathed.