probably the music rights to Magic Mike sketch…the monologue was really short though.
probably the music rights to Magic Mike sketch…the monologue was really short though.
Is there anyway to find out how much they spend per episode or 2 episode arc?
This show is more stylized, as has been said in this thread, than most B movies that hits theaters.
Other great things about this show.
I know some of the backdrops are filmed in countries not being represented as the country in the episode,…
Is there anyway to find out how much they spend per episode or 2 episode arc?
This show is more stylized, as has been said in this thread, than most B movies that hits theaters.
Other great things about this show.
I know some of the backdrops are filmed in countries not being represented as the country in the episode,…
SKLAR COUNTY Since no one has a thread here. I hope someone (re: Randy or Jason) can read this. Please tell that Van Kirk guy that your name is on the Podcast. He fucking interrupts everyone's bits, has zero inflection in his voice (making each story-non exciting) and he has done his drunk impression like, 6…
SKLAR COUNTY Since no one has a thread here. I hope someone (re: Randy or Jason) can read this. Please tell that Van Kirk guy that your name is on the Podcast. He fucking interrupts everyone's bits, has zero inflection in his voice (making each story-non exciting) and he has done his drunk impression like, 6…
I wish to God you can put your loser face on this website. You spew hate and you think your funny. Your not. You are a dickwad who smells like a cum rag.
I wish to God you can put your loser face on this website. You spew hate and you think your funny. Your not. You are a dickwad who smells like a cum rag.
Great Band of Horses advertisement when Phillipe was making out with that girl. Also, Glenn Close looked like she was phoning in some of those scenes with Judd Hirsch.
Great Band of Horses advertisement when Phillipe was making out with that girl. Also, Glenn Close looked like she was phoning in some of those scenes with Judd Hirsch.
Is it a female reviewer on the "You Made It Weird"podcast? Because I can not believe that this show constantly gets in here. The female reviewer part comes in because he is every girls best gay friend (yet..he is apparently straight<—-worse). He is like a little schoolgirl with his female comedians. The Natasha L.…
Is it a female reviewer on the "You Made It Weird"podcast? Because I can not believe that this show constantly gets in here. The female reviewer part comes in because he is every girls best gay friend (yet..he is apparently straight<—-worse). He is like a little schoolgirl with his female comedians. The Natasha L.…
Poor Tammy Blanchard. Her enormous talent is being wasted on this shit. This season sucks. Last season with the great scenes with Hugh Dancy and they come back with this shit? The only good thing about this show is that they use mostly NY Stage people, which is admirable. My displeasure is not in the acting…
Poor Tammy Blanchard. Her enormous talent is being wasted on this shit. This season sucks. Last season with the great scenes with Hugh Dancy and they come back with this shit? The only good thing about this show is that they use mostly NY Stage people, which is admirable. My displeasure is not in the acting…
A big pet peeve of mine in television shows, besides people drinking out of obvious empty coffee cups is when some poor bastard who's struggling financially refuses a sizable check. (Oh, and people who do not lock their front doors).
Luke: "C'mon Alice"
Please put Winston out of his misery
The Megan comments below are pretty fuckin' stupid. Sorry to speak so ill of these perfect 10's. Take a look at Beatrice Dalle and still make these remarks. This is why we get cookie cutter actresses in all our movies instead of interesting actresses like the Aussie's or the Brits employ,or even Americans like Amy…
The amount of fucking time this show spent on kids this season is unbelievable. I wanted to knock the shit out of Carl when they got to the meeting spot. Also,couldn't T-Dawg have made a simple K-turn instead of turning full U-ey and bottoming out? Glen and Daryl are the only charactors I can even watch with…