
This. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I think it's a breath of fresh air that Dan Akroyd wants to do a Ghostbusters Reboot and not a direct sequel or remake. An all new cast of characters in an all new world (where Egon and crew never existed), means no falling back into old habits. The writers will have to make

I appreciate that you only called me a "dork", and reserved a truly heinous insult for someone more deserving. Yet at the same time, I'm sort of in awe that you even put one in the first place. It's like you're being nice and mean at the same time.

In a world where a group/organization/government or guy/gal has made other people unhappy or discontent. Only the protagonist has a chance at changing things. This summer…"Story 2: The Sequel!" Macguffins! Unobtainum! Cliches! Tropes! [Tag Line]

If this were true, why does he need to use his hands? Wouldn't he just be able to mentally lift anything?

This doesn't even make sense because an increase of mass would break, dent, crumble or otherwise impact anything underneath the hammer. Yet, no matter how much upward force is applied, the downward force does not effect the ground below.

She looks like a television or movie version of Marvel's Black Cat.

This is the best comment I've read tonight.

I hope Ward isn't wasted by being another cinematic-only character like Coulson. I think it would be cool if they actually make him someone from the comics. And it's great and all that everyone liked Coulson and he was brought into the comics and other things. But the reason this series hasn't felt like a Marvel