Faux Real

Moi trois! Added to Netflixe Queue L'Instant!

@avclub-ac34e9ae168c9afcfbf6d415d4fb8bf8:disqus  Ah, the old "which came first, zombie chicken or zombie egg" debate. Normally, I go chicken, but in the case of zombies, I'm going to go egg.

@avclub-ac34e9ae168c9afcfbf6d415d4fb8bf8:disqus  Ah, the old "which came first, zombie chicken or zombie egg" debate. Normally, I go chicken, but in the case of zombies, I'm going to go egg.

I guess Jake's got Gordon-from-Freaks-and-Geeks Syndrome, a.k.a trimethylaminuria (had to look that up after this episode).

I guess Jake's got Gordon-from-Freaks-and-Geeks Syndrome, a.k.a trimethylaminuria (had to look that up after this episode).

Right, it wasn't the McMouse for me either, it was

Right, it wasn't the McMouse for me either, it was

The show got better as the season went on. An episode near the end ("Secrets of the Model Dorm") had a scene with a Russian model listing her favorite things about America, concluding with [EDITED TO REMOVE PUNCHLINE]*, which for me was one of the funniest moments on TV last year.

The show got better as the season went on. An episode near the end ("Secrets of the Model Dorm") had a scene with a Russian model listing her favorite things about America, concluding with [EDITED TO REMOVE PUNCHLINE]*, which for me was one of the funniest moments on TV last year.

Instead you get a Paul W. S. Anderson directed movie with a script by Nick Cave and a soundtrack by iCarly.

Instead you get a Paul W. S. Anderson directed movie with a script by Nick Cave and a soundtrack by iCarly.

And there I was, thinking "Aw, new hat from his wife! Too bad he's going to have to dispose of that thoughtful gift after it gets sprayed with some poor schmuck's blood." Then he opens the door and "Oh, woah!". I was reading the hat foreshadowing one way and it turned out to be the other way.

And there I was, thinking "Aw, new hat from his wife! Too bad he's going to have to dispose of that thoughtful gift after it gets sprayed with some poor schmuck's blood." Then he opens the door and "Oh, woah!". I was reading the hat foreshadowing one way and it turned out to be the other way.

This Newswire item: not available on Dish!

This Newswire item: not available on Dish!

Comfort was stunning in that number, she just freaking KILLED IT. I think her performance is what really prompted the standing O from the judges. She was always fun to watch in her season, but among all the returning "All Stars" she is the one who has improved the most.

Comfort was stunning in that number, she just freaking KILLED IT. I think her performance is what really prompted the standing O from the judges. She was always fun to watch in her season, but among all the returning "All Stars" she is the one who has improved the most.

