Faux Real

"I worked as a Xerox machine operator…"
I forgot until I read that that I met Wallace Shawn (briefly) while I was working as a Xerox-machine operator. I made some copies for him while working in a quickie-print shop in St. Louis in the 80s. At the end of the transaction I said something like "I uh enjoy your work" or

3 days after the original comment, I also agree with magnusbarfod. I don't get all the Sierra love (or rather love for the actress' talent) around here except for the exotic-therefore-hot angle.

Yep, "great googly moogly" goes back at least as far as Screamin' Jay Hawkins, and I would guess further back than that.

Ya beat me to it SS. Reins in his teeth, working on one lung!

Or just:
"…very funny" - Rachel Saltz, New York Times

I liked the old new Twilight Zone. It seemed pretty good at the time, but maybe that's because I was usually baked.