
So since there's no spoiler space and I will probably never see this, does she tell the old woman about the money when they first meet? "Rummage sale" is a little vague—does the money belong to the old woman or was she just selling donated stuff for charity or something? Does she tell about the money at the end, or

So since there's no spoiler space and I will probably never see this, does she tell the old woman about the money when they first meet? "Rummage sale" is a little vague—does the money belong to the old woman or was she just selling donated stuff for charity or something? Does she tell about the money at the end, or

@avclub-f894cbc7551b7dea91a6aa9fbfc95c21:disqus "roll a rock?"

@avclub-f894cbc7551b7dea91a6aa9fbfc95c21:disqus "roll a rock?"

So what you're saying is, Polanski made such a creepy movie that he drove himself mad, started believing that his wife was pregnant with the spawn of Satan, killed her and then the dinner guests who were now witnesses to the crime (and were, in his mind, the cabal that had offered her up to the Dark Lord in the first

So what you're saying is, Polanski made such a creepy movie that he drove himself mad, started believing that his wife was pregnant with the spawn of Satan, killed her and then the dinner guests who were now witnesses to the crime (and were, in his mind, the cabal that had offered her up to the Dark Lord in the first

"We need to talk about Kevin—you know, Rosemary's kid? Lives upstairs?"

"We need to talk about Kevin—you know, Rosemary's kid? Lives upstairs?"

Just watched this off of a free premium channel weekend—my saving grace in catching up on the movies I miss, which is almost everything. I agree with the review entirely. Charming and entertaining right up until it has to end, and then it trails off weakly.

I'm not sure if this is the reference that is throwing you off, but the "what really happened with Tony Scott" thing is surely a reference to his recent suicide, not anything about making the movie Domino.

I'm not sure if this is the reference that is throwing you off, but the "what really happened with Tony Scott" thing is surely a reference to his recent suicide, not anything about making the movie Domino.

Checking back in to this old thread after seeing this on Blu-Ray from the good ole Redbox. The first Madagascar was above-average animals-out-of-water fare, elevated by good voice acting from the leads and inspired lunacy doodled around the edges of almost every scene. I don't remember much about the second one—it was

Checking back in to this old thread after seeing this on Blu-Ray from the good ole Redbox. The first Madagascar was above-average animals-out-of-water fare, elevated by good voice acting from the leads and inspired lunacy doodled around the edges of almost every scene. I don't remember much about the second one—it was

I first discovered belts like this about 9-10 years ago, and I've bought nothing else since. It isn't even the reversible part that keeps me coming back. I tell myself that's totally awesome, but I almost always just leave it on black, because really, black goes with anything. No, what keeps me buying them is that the

I first discovered belts like this about 9-10 years ago, and I've bought nothing else since. It isn't even the reversible part that keeps me coming back. I tell myself that's totally awesome, but I almost always just leave it on black, because really, black goes with anything. No, what keeps me buying them is that the

I'm glad they frequently referenced "Conference Hour" in this interview. It was moving, inspiring, and devastating. Like the "Marla" he referenced in the interview, I was one of the many who faced the test and failed, who chose to meekly accept the judgment  of the gatekeepers on the path to creative success instead

I'm glad they frequently referenced "Conference Hour" in this interview. It was moving, inspiring, and devastating. Like the "Marla" he referenced in the interview, I was one of the many who faced the test and failed, who chose to meekly accept the judgment  of the gatekeepers on the path to creative success instead

When I was just a wee lad, somewhere south of grade school, I believe, my parents took us to see Darby O'Gill and the Little People. We went to the movies about once every two or three years back then, usually Disney. I remember two things clearly from that experience—some weird crap at the end where he's trying to

When I was just a wee lad, somewhere south of grade school, I believe, my parents took us to see Darby O'Gill and the Little People. We went to the movies about once every two or three years back then, usually Disney. I remember two things clearly from that experience—some weird crap at the end where he's trying to

Stay greasy, my friend…